Monday, June 24, 2013

Smitten With Kittens: Baby Exxon

Baby Exxon was trapped on June 23, 2013, at an Exxon station in Sylva, NC, where she'd been surviving on her own for some time. Folks tried to nab her, and she just wouldn't give in. Food was being left out for her, but finally we procured a live trap, got rid of all the old food, and trapped her cute little spirited hissy self within a few hours.

We made a video blog about her transformation. So many cats are trapped and euthanized each year across the United States. Classified traditionally as 'ferals,' we like to use the more-appropriate term 'Community Cats.' Community Cats range from being, yes, feral, or quasi-wild, to tamed or tameable kitties. But in our shelter system, they often face a sad fate: euthanasia. The blanket euthanasia policy which these cats face rankles us to no end. Community Cats were created by humans over the centuries, and we have a role as stewards upon this planet to care for them. Yes, we need to eliminate the proliferation of such cats in our society, but the best way to do that is through spay/neuter and education. Trap-Neuter-Return programs do just that, and they work.

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) means trapping Community Cats, fixing and vaccinating them, and placing them back with the rest of their colony. The population of these cats quickly stabilize, unless people, yes, PEOPLE, continue to dump unaltered cats in these locations. These cats are provided food and, often, medical care as needed. Upon weaning, kittens can be removed, at the initial stage, and placed for adoption. 

What about wildlife impact? Well, in Western North Carolina trap-neuter-return programs exist where people do, not in national parks, national forests, and other protected areas. They also are set up in communities that are not serving as major wildlife habitat, particularly because people, yes, again, PEOPLE, are living in close quarters, such as trailer parks and apartment complexes. What do you find in such locations? Endangered species? Not likely. What IS likely is trash, scraps, and an over-abundance of small rodents. Also, in TNR programs often food is provided for colonies, taking the impact off local wild animal populations. Further, I find it ironic how some groups push for cat eradication programs, i.e. killing these cats, when human impact, the over-abundance of PEOPLE, is acceptable. Humans build roads and multiple houses and businesses across the landscape. Humans pollute the earth and waste resources and eradicate species daily. But it is easier to point a finger at something other than ourselves.

Baby Exxon transformed within fifteen minutes of her rescue. She had been lonely and scared. She had most likely been dumped by a human being. She is safe and loved. She is a success story. For us, trap-neuter-return and looking out for the well-being of our community cat populations are better options than eradication.

We thank Kaleb of Catman2 for chatting about Baby Exxon on Facebook so that we heard about her situation and were able to help. She is now part of Smitten With Kittens 2013, and we look forward to the day when she is spayed, and to the day when she finds her Furever Family. No more smelly mackerel behind the kerosene pump for her.

Love from the Tailroad,

Friday, June 21, 2013

Smitten With Kittens Videos

Hi, All!

Just a quick post to bring together some loose ends, as we work our way through learning about this blog's capabilities! We've created some videos this spring/summer to accompany the Smitten With Kittens 2013 campaign, so I am posting them here, now, too. Some are teachable moments. Some are fun.

1) Baby Raymond, our first bottle baby of the season, who found a fantabulous foster mama, thanks to our incredible WNC rescue network, over at Duke's Animal Haven!

2) Learning through our orphans - What to do if you find one!!!

3) Hissy kittens can become precious, loving additions to a family. In a shelter, though, kittens and cats like this are often overlooked. We'd like to change that! These three ended up being pulled as part of the Smitten With Kittens campaign.

4) Sharing the LOVE! These started out as bottle babies on the Tailroad, but a loving mama kitty was done nursing her own, and she jumped in to help, so these three kittens are now under her tender loving care.

5) These four kittens came from a feline leukemia colony. At the time of rescue these two girls and two boys tested negative, so they are in strict quarantine until they can be retested. We are taking it a step at a time. They were dying from flea anemia, but the fleas are taken care of, the kittens are being wormed and fed good food and given lots of love. We take our responsibilities seriously!

Love from the Tailroad,

And we'll post videos from now on as we make them, now that we've learned!

Spay, Neuter, Adopt, Adore, Support, and SHARE!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Smitten With Kittens 2013 - Mercy is a Mission

7 am, the time of reckoning. Ellen Kilgannon, the Executive Director at PAWS Bryson City (NC), and I had arrived at the trailer where we were set to remove sick kittens for euthanasia. Yep, that's right. Animal advocates were advocating for euthanasia, a humane end to the suffering the kittens were living through. When we'd first been to the home a couple weeks ago, there was rampant upper respiratory infection circulating through at least a dozen of over twenty kittens. Yep, that's right. Twenty-plus kittens among assorted adults. A nightmare which only got worse. Upper respiratory infections were a complication, but Kaleb of Catman2 Shelter returned about a week later to start testing the lot for Feline Leukemia.


Feline Leukemia testing quickly became more than just a step in the process of helping the kittens. Three mother kitties and two larger, healthy-looking kittens tested positive. So what had started as a mission to assess, improve the health, and rescue kittens, while fixing the adults to remain behind, turned into a mission of mercy, whereby we'd remove the desperately sick kittens for euthanasia, which we assumed to be about half of them judging from the last time we'd been on site, and then testing the remainder. Those testing positive would be euthanized. Why? No one wants to euthanize kittens, but weak, fragile kittens fade, sometimes slowly, and suffer, and Feline Leukemia requires extensive quarantine and retesting. We don't currently have the infrastructure across the region to foster positive kittens for months on end. We don't even have space for healthy kittens. The caregiver suffers from various ailments, and she was incapable of providing the standard of care for potentially that many kittens for such a duration of quarantine either. It was the right thing to do, and a gut-wrenching task for all of us involved, right down to the health workers who alerted us to this situation.

But on June 14th at 7 am, when Ellen and I arrived to commence the Mercy Mission, we found the majority of the kittens had cleared their respiratory and eye infections. Whether this was on their own or this was due to administration of antibiotics by their caregiver is unknown (she had been provided with antibiotics by Kaleb, but we're not sure whether she followed through or was capable of doing so). What it meant, though, is that we had to re-assess our action plan. We chose to remove the smallest, youngest kittens and whichever larger ones we could get our hands on. Some were hiding under the home with mother cats, and they would be retrieved at a later date, and there were more in a shed on another part of the property that would be dealt with later, as well.

All told, we picked up ten fuzzy, fluffy purrbabies ranging from five to eight weeks old, including the only one that we could see with any remnant of severe eye infection. Also among the kittens was the caregiver's favorite, the smallest, most frail of them all, a fluffy tortoiseshell. Animal advocacy is community work. It requires diplomacy, and in this case the negotiations that come with diplomacy. Mercy. Understanding. The caregiver was already struggling with the situation - the number of kittens, the reality of euthanasia. A couple kittens had already died on premises and another in rescue with Kaleb. Slow, agonizing deaths. But euthanasia, death at human hand with purpose, is a difficult concept for a caregiver to grapple, too. So we negotiated, as she strove to keep this frail kitten, one she had taken to nursing and nurturing. The deal was this: if the kitten tested positive for Feline Leukemia, I would return it to her, alive. If the kitten tested negative, I would do all in my power to return it to health, and we could cross the bridge of where it would live when older when, well, it was older, if it lived. Thanks to the woman's partner and supporter, we were able to reach this compromise.

Ten kittens were removed from the home. Of the ten, six tested negative for Feline Leukemia. We are very glad we opted for this new action plan. Four were euthanized after many kisses and tears and being nestled against pounding, hurting, compassionate hearts. One of the kittens who was euthanized was the very first that came to greet us this morning of reckoning - a fluffy dilute tortoiseshell - who lay on her back in the crook of my arm. And so too she slipped away, as the veterinarian gave her a sedative prior to death. They were all beautiful kittens, some of the prettiest kittens we have seen in a long while.

Ellen took the two remaining older kittens into quarantine at PAWS, and I took the remaining four. The veterinarian cautioned, wisely, that we needed to nip the fleas in the bud immediately. Their blood was like water from the fleas ingesting red blood cells, and the little ones had very little fight left, which is why the smallest one was so absolutely debilitated. Fleas, not upper respiratory infections, were killing the kittens that were left. The kittens' gums were pale as ghosts, and we hopped to work. It is only day one in rescue, so we do not know what the future holds. All are eating, and all we can do is try. And all of these kittens will need to be retested for Feline Leukemia a few weeks down the road. If they test positive, we will have to say goodbye, and I am not looking forward to that. Weeks of bonding and then purposefully ending a life takes its toll. Yet it is part of our journey, a reality we are facing, because we are in the early stages of a tide of change. At some point will we have a strategy for feline leukemia positive kittens whereby they have a foster, and eventually a home? There is a good chance that yes, that can be so, in time and with Community Support. Without Community Support, options are limited to a severe degree. And part of that Community Support, an integral part, is supporting low-cost spay/neuter programs wherever one lives. Yes, foster if you have space and the time and the will, but if you don't, then please support spay/neuter, even if it is for pets that don't belong to you. Even if you don't agree with a situation, a person's way of life, their journey, their story. There is a lot of judgement in a human being, but there is a lot of humanity too, and we need humanity to kick in if we are going to improve our world.

Next week we will try our best to assess the rest of the kittens. We will also assist the caregiver in dealing with the flea infestation in her home. And we hope that health professionals continue to assist in her healing journey through life. The adult cats? They will be fixed and remain with the caregiver regardless of Feline Leukemia status. They are considered owned, and, again, we are animal advocates, but we are also community advocates, and there is compromise in working with humans, and compassion. She loves her cats. Her daughter loves her cats. If this family had fixed, or been able to fix, their adult cats prior to their giving birth, we wouldn't be struggling through this awful situation. Sometimes reality bites. Like fleas. Throw a bandage on the bite, and it may heal, but if you don't take care of the fleas, then you'll just have more bites, so spay/neuter and wish us well on our journey.

Love from the Tailroad,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Smitten With Kittens Takes Heart

Today is a video blog. I was thinking about it as I was driving we can sit through 24/7 news feeds of tragedies around the we can turn blind eyes to suffering or simply shut off the channel. But if we let something touch us, is that a bad thing? So I ask you to watch. And, yes, I'm fine. Of course I'm fine. I'm a tough cookie. But that doesn't mean that I don't feel pain or sadness. Smitten With Kittens isn't derailing me. It makes me stronger, a fighter, a better person. I'm strong enough to share with you true emotions, because anything else would be false and doesn't do justice to the Smitten With Kittens Initiative.

Spay/Neuter, Adopt, Adore, and Share.

Love from the Tailroad,